Monday, January 18, 2010

JANELL - New Beginnings

So today is the "do-over" begins.  I think I'll start with the six week 5K training program for the rest of this month and try to switch over to the 1/2 marathon training in February - the half marathon training is a eight week "beginner's" program so we'll see.  While I'm doing this training, I'm going to think about who I really want to be in terms of a resting weight - at first I think the weight loss was very sudden (no complaining on that) and it took my head a while to catch up with the changes but now that I've regained weight back in grad school and my clothes are all too tight - well, I guess that was my reality check. 

The Year 2000 - Heaviest Ever!!!

Friends and family say "I like you better this way, you need some meat on your bone" but the way I feel at 150 versus having this sluggish heavy feeling with the 30-35 pounds that I chose to regain says it all.  I need to get and stay fit so that I can  enjoy my fitness boot camps, drills, and all the other extreme stuff once again.    I have some pictures below of me in 2000 and me in 2007 (almost 1 year into my raw vegan journey).  My plan is to track my physical fitness progress and I'll start with an updated 2010 picture this weekend.

The Year 2007 at 150 pounds

Another pic of me in 2007 at 150


  1. Hey Janelle! It sounds like you've got a big journey ahead of you but are determined to make it work!!

    I followed Hal Higdon's training regimen for my 1/2 marathon last year, but didn't really enjoy it so I am kind of making up my own this year.

    If I were you I would start out with the couch to 5k program and then work your way up with Hal. His program is GREAT for beginners!!

    Good luck and don't ever hesitate to ask me anything :)

  2. HI!! So glad you came by today, I can't wait to follow your journey!

    For cross training one of the best things you can do is yoga. I know, I hated for a long time and resisted, but truly it's been the key to injury prevention for awhile now. The other thing is to pick any form of cardio and go for say 30 minutes. I liked doing kick boxing or some other DVD because it worked totally different muscles and didn't leave my legs too tired to run again.

  3. Thanks for the tips, I'm really encouraged to actually see a fitness goal realized for a change
