Saturday, January 2, 2010

Ready to take your place?

Well the race is on - almost anyway.  Here's the deal - there are 2 events that we should check into.  I'll post the links - we'll discus them at our meet-up.

We should check into one regarding the Go St Louis Marathon and 1/2 Mararthon on April 11, 2010
Informational meeting in Edwardsville at the YMCA Esic Building on Wednesday Jan 13 at 6:30 pm.  The Go St Louis event does offer a 5K.  You can also go directly to the Go St Louis site here:, contact person is Jeff Trammel:

The next event is in June and it is the 2010 Komen Race for the Cure. It takes place on June 12, 2010. It is a 5K race.  Find out more details about it here:

There is also the Relay 4 Life event (which I know isn't a race but we can discuss possibilites there also)

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