Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Janell - Monday - January 4th 2010

Monday - January 4th Day 1 of Training

For starters, I didn't make it to the gym until around 11:30-ish p.m.  Week 1 of the 5K training is as follows:
- brisk/speed walking on the treadmill for the first mile
- once you reach mile 1, run for 2 minutes and thereafer, run 2 mins for every 1/2 mile you arrive at until you reach 3.5 miles
- once you reach 3.5 miles, walk the last 1/2 mile to end at mile 4

So I guess I was really tired or something I managed to do 2.61 miles in 62 minutes before realizing it was almost 1 a.m.  I stopped right there because I didn't want to be leaving the gym after 2 a.m.  I guess I could have pushed a little harder but I'm not really beating myself up over it because it's week one.  What I will do differently the next time around is kick up my walking speed to knock off some of the time.  If' I do workouts in the evening again I need to get to the gym by 10 pm so I can get home before midnight.

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