Saturday, January 2, 2010

Ready Set Go

I can't believe day 1 of the journey is almost here - let's hope we are ready.  Seriously, I'm probably going to pay for the choice to celebrate the new year with junk food instead of stopping with my  healthy choices.  Oh well, no looking back.  What we have yet to establish is which of us are doing the 5K and stopping there and which of us are continuing training to include the 1/2 marathon.  We'll be discussing this at our 1st meet-up which will be:
January 9th
3:30 p.m.
SIUE - meet on 1st level near Starbucks

Next Meeting date:
January 30th
3:30 p.m.
Location - to be announced

In addition to this handy dandy blog, we'll also try to get in at least one teleconference (if necessary).    Currently, everyone has a copy of the beginner's 5K training guide (thanks  Just in case you forgot or misplaced it, we'll add the link:

Please feel free to share your training guide if you've found something better. 
Oh yes, one more thing for now, let's go back to elementary school for a moment and create an "all about me" post on day one.  Tell us the good stuff - what bring you here, personal goals, challenges.... blah blah blah...

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