Thursday, February 25, 2010


Hello out there..

We haven't ordered our treadmill yet but I think I'll make the decision on one this week.  I've been price comparing.  I'm a little low on energy this week.  I still striving to do this 5K in April.  My stamina just isn't there to even run a whole mile without stopping and truthfully, my run is really a "jog".  Everyone keeps saying that I could always walk it - which is true but it just wouldn't feel the same so push on, push on...

So much stuff going on with work and deadlines.  I just wanted to check in quickly.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Still Going

I'm back....

I've been busy with work and dealing with deadlines... have not had much time or energy to jump on here and talk.  I wanted to catch up on everything but I'll make it short and sweet.  I'm still at the jogging level...there really is a difference between running and jogging and I cannot run for any length of time - not yet anyway.  You know what might be a factor is lack of sleep and sluggish energy levels. I need to just stop working by a certain time each evening because I tend to work during the day and on into the evening . I'm privately contracted and I also taken on other work projects so I can do my own schedule - seems flexible but I still find myself working day and evenings nearly everyday....working on changing that too.

Here's some exciting news.  My sister and I have decided to purchase a good quality treadmill together.  I'll still have my gym membership and we'll keep the treadmill at her house.  I think this will help tremendously with running and with my crazy schedule - I see my sister every day so I know I can always jump on the treadmill  if  I'm going to be doing a late work night and won't feel like the gym.  My gym is 24hours but still after working all day/evening, sometimes the motivation just dies away and I'm just not heading out the house at 1 or 2 am to go to the gym when I know I'm gonna be up and at it again at 4/5 the next morning. 

I really want success with this goal and I'm believing in myself.  Some of my friends have gone M.I.A. but I want to see this through to the end.  It will be really great for me.  So even though I still feel like a slacker and slug I'm believing in me and expecting victory at the end of this journey.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Dig Deep Dig Deep

You know what... been so swamped with work that motivation is hard to come by.  But hey, sometimes you have to keep moving,motivation or no motivation.  I can't wait until I'm running for real because what I am doing is technically a simple jog with the walking intervals (remember that earlier  plan I shared). 

More snow is coming...go away snow....

Friday, February 5, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

I can't believe how incredibly busy I've been this week.  Maybe tomorrow, I'll feel like posting the details for this week. I know it's only 10:50 pm for me, but I'm tired--will chat about my challenges and everything else tomorrow.  This is my first time getting a chance to do something that wasn't work-related on the computer - my eyes are tired...

Nighty Night

Friday, January 29, 2010

Don't know what's going on inside my head tonight....but I feel really really drained.  So, I hate to say it but no gym tonight.  Brain Drain - maybe from too many hours in front of the computer working on my computer this week. My brain feels sluggish and tired. 

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thursday - Janell

Just a quick check.  I don't have anything exciting to report.  Still hanging there.  Still determined to be in a 5K in April.  And STILL this weird knee pain is somehow sticking around.  I think I will just for tonight/possibly Saturday do some walking or just other exercise .. I don't know??? Silly Silly Knee...

I want to do the half marathon but my progress is slower than I'd like.  I'm not going to give up though.  I will just keep working on maintaining a healthy weight and acheiving greater and greater fitness levels.  I think I'll do some pilates tonight too.  I like pilates.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Too soon for pain

Wow - I'm still in the early phases of training and now my knee (right ) is acting weird.  I have never had knee pain before.  I'm not a runner and usually do other types of cardio; I'm basically jogging.  I feel a twinge in it when I sit down.  I try to make sure I always to enough stretching before and after a workout.  I don't know???

Still planning to go to the gym but will just be aware and mindful of pain/discomfort that isn't "normal" - whatever normal is.