Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Still Going

I'm back....

I've been busy with work and dealing with deadlines... have not had much time or energy to jump on here and talk.  I wanted to catch up on everything but I'll make it short and sweet.  I'm still at the jogging level...there really is a difference between running and jogging and I cannot run for any length of time - not yet anyway.  You know what might be a factor is lack of sleep and sluggish energy levels. I need to just stop working by a certain time each evening because I tend to work during the day and on into the evening . I'm privately contracted and I also taken on other work projects so I can do my own schedule - seems flexible but I still find myself working day and evenings nearly everyday....working on changing that too.

Here's some exciting news.  My sister and I have decided to purchase a good quality treadmill together.  I'll still have my gym membership and we'll keep the treadmill at her house.  I think this will help tremendously with running and with my crazy schedule - I see my sister every day so I know I can always jump on the treadmill  if  I'm going to be doing a late work night and won't feel like the gym.  My gym is 24hours but still after working all day/evening, sometimes the motivation just dies away and I'm just not heading out the house at 1 or 2 am to go to the gym when I know I'm gonna be up and at it again at 4/5 the next morning. 

I really want success with this goal and I'm believing in myself.  Some of my friends have gone M.I.A. but I want to see this through to the end.  It will be really great for me.  So even though I still feel like a slacker and slug I'm believing in me and expecting victory at the end of this journey.

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck!! I know you'll do it! It has to be hard on you, I don't know your field but my mom is a contractor. Being self-motivated sometimes has its challenges. You will find balance in this too.
